Power System Planning and Operations

Power System Planning and Operations


The Power System Planning and Operations (PSPO) aims to help members facilitate the evolution of the power system by initiating research, exchange of technical information and best practices into topics associated with the power system's changing nature and the incorporation of new technologies. 

The power system is currently in a state of flux from one that delivered energy from large centralized power plants to electricity consumers, to one that interconnects many smaller distributed resources with those of the legacy power system to meet customers’ energy needs.

Focus Areas.:

  • Advances in Power System Modeling and Analysis
  • Use of New Technologies and Tools in the Power System
  • Maximizing Transmission Capabilities
  • Integrating Renewable Generation Sources and Storage Technologies

    AI Grid Analytics using Enhanced Multi-Sense Line Sensors for such Applications as: Dynamic Line Ratings, Fault Location, Distributed Energy Resource Impact and Vegetation Management

    Feb 25, 2025 • Virtual - Webex
    Webinar Description:EGM’s Meta-Alert AI analytics software system and Multi-Sense Enhanced Line Sensors provide electric utilities with applications like Accurate Fault Detection and Location, Dynamic Line Ratings, Asset Health Monitoring and Vegetation Encroachment.Partnering with National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), EGM is advancing Accurate Fault Detection and Location (AFLD) to provide utilities momentary and sustained fault locations.  This application helps utilities reduce SAIDI metrics by as much as 15%, which can be worth $50k-$500k per SAIDI minute.  With this application the utility has the ability to detect and locate sustained and momentary faults.  Momentary faults are leading indicators of sustained outages.  Early detection of and elimination of momentary faults will increase grid reliability and can help prevent wildfires due to vegetation encroachment. Improved reliability also makes the grid more resilient which means during major events the grid is less likely to experience long duration outages.  Public safety is also improved by cutting power to high impedance faults that may pose a problem locating the source of the outage.EGM’s Dynamic Line Ratings (DLR) application and Asset Health Monitoring (AHM) provide visibility into the overall health of the electric transmission grid and the performance of the conductors, to keep the grid optimized.  DLR provides real-time conductor thermal measurements, two-week conductor capacity forecasts, ensures grid safety and reliability, accelerates interconnection of DERs, and reduces transmission congestion and curtailments.  Asset Health Monitoring (AHM) informs the utility of the conductor’s sag and line safety clearances. It can alert the utility when lines are slapping or galloping and can be correlated with weather and wind speeds to help the utility predict what may then become a sustained outage.Webinar Takeaways:Reducing SAIDI and SAIFI through fault analysis and preventative maintenanceImproving public safety and helping prevent wildfires through early fault detection and analysisImplementing DLR can optimize grid performance by providing real-time capacity, reducing congestion and curtailments, and accelerating DER interconnections.Presenter Bios:Ismael Mendoza, Principal EngineerPower Systems Engineering CenterNational Renewable Energy LaboratoryIsmael Mendoza received his bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from the Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado. Currently, Mr. Mendoza is a Principal Engineer in the Power Systems Engineering Center at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO, USA. His research focuses on controller hardware-in-the-loop and power hardware-in-the-loop experiments for the evaluation of advance grid controls for energy management, system resilience, and interoperability in distribution and microgrid networks.Jim Lynch, Director of SalesElectrical Grid Monitoring IncJim is a seasoned business development professional with a proven track record of success. With over 25 years of experience in sales of advanced software solutions, big data applications, machine learning, and process optimization, he has consistently driven results across diverse industries.  Over the past decade, he has focused on delivering innovative solutions to electric utilities, helping them transition their analytic applications to the cloud and enabling them to supply safe and reliable power at the lowest possible cost.Jim brings extensive expertise in new business development, alliance management, and sales leadership. He has played a pivotal role in the growth and success of multiple organizations, helping four start-up software companies achieve acquisitions and one successfully go public. Most recently, he has been leading sales and marketing efforts at Electrical Grid Monitoring.  Jim holds both a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Science degree from Southern Illinois University, showcasing his strong academic foundation and commitment to professional excellence.

    CEATI Wind Working Group Kickoff Meeting: Shaping the Future of Wind Collaboration

    Mar 19, 2025 • Webex
    Join us on March 19, 2025, from 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM ET for our Wind Working Group 2025 Virtual Kickoff Meeting. This session and working group will bring together utilities from the Asset Management in Generation (AMIG), Energy & Integration Strategy (E&IS), Hydro Operations & Planning (HOPIG) as well as the Power System Planning and Operations (PSPO) interest groups.Please register on this page – A calendar invite will automatically be sent to your inbox upon registration.Purpose of the DiscussionIn response to strong member interest and growing demand, we are excited to launch the CEATI Wind Working Group to provide a collaborative platform for utilities to address key challenges such as grid integration, operations & maintenance (O&M), end-of-life management, environmental and regulatory factors, PPAs vs. 3rd party developers, and data analytics. This session will help define the working group’s direction and initial project(s).Agenda Highlights:2024 Research Overview – Exploratory survey results and summary of discussionsPrioritizing Topics of Interest – Grid integration, O&M, end-of-life strategies, data analytics, PPAs, environmental and regulatory factors, etc.Wind Working Group 2025 Action Plan – Review outline and key themes.Discussion & Next Steps – Refining structure, potential research projects, and initiatives.The working group aims to organize quarterly discussions, collaborative research, and knowledge-sharing initiatives based on member priorities. We encourage your participation and invite you to share this opportunity with colleagues who may be interested.