Overhead Transmission Design

Overhead Transmission Design


OTD is a consortium of electric utilities which captures knowledge on overhead transmission line design issues and conducts applied R&D to foster knowledge, practical solutions and benchmarking with peers. This interest group also focuses on developments under a sustainable-based design approach for Overhead Lines.

Focus Areas:

  • Extreme Events
  • Maximizing Availability/ Utilization of Existing Transmission Lines
  • Investigation of New Technologies
  • Development of New Transmission Lines – Constraints: Environmental, Visual, Structural
  • Understanding Resiliency Issues and its Impact on Line Design
  • Electrical Aspects of Line Design

33143 Impact of Climate Change and Adaptation to Climate Extremes in Overhead Line Design End of Project Webinar

Mar 25, 2025 • WEBEX
We would like to invite you to an end-of-project webinar on OTD 33143: Impact of Climate Change and Adaptation to Climate Extremes in Overhead Line Design, presented by Abdollah Shafieezadeh on Tuesday, March 25th from 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM ET.Webinar Abstract:The increased frequency and severity of climatic extremes over the past few decades have been partly attributed to climate change. However, engineering practices and standards for transmission infrastructure assume weather and climate extremes will remain stationary over the long term. This assumption may not be valid under a changing climate. In this context, the objectives of this project are (1) to analyze the current state-of-the-art in science and practice vis-à-vis strategies for determining future loads under the assumptions of a stationary environment as well as under nonstationary climate change effects, (2) to develop methods and provide guidelines for projecting extreme wind and ice loads, and the associated uncertainties, and the subsequent impacts on load estimations for transmission lines in the industry codes/standards for different return periods, and (3) to examine recent frameworks developed for infrastructure design under climate change effects and provide guidelines specifically for the application of adaptive frameworks for the design of overhead transmission lines. This guideline would be helpful to utility companies in determining climatic loads under changing conditions with acceptable degrees of confidence, assisting them with the cost-effective design of new and upgrade of existing overhead lines.We look forward to your participation in this project webinar!Thank you!