Asset Management in T&D

Asset Management in T&D


The main objective of the Asset Management in T&D group is to bring the industry professionals together to identify, discuss and develop solutions to common issues in asset management by creating a networking opportunity for utilities concerned with asset management application, optimization and innovation.  It also serves as a forum to identify knowledge gaps and to provide guidance on future collaborative projects.

Focus Areas:

1. Implementing Asset Management Standards

2. Effecting Strategy and Innovation

3. Developing and Iterating on the Asset Management Development Roadmap

4. Developing Asset Technical Knowledge

5. Managing Data, Information and Analytics


Case Study: Transmission Line Condition Assessment and Health Model at New Brunswick Power

Apr 17, 2025 • Webex
Please mark your calendars for our upcoming webinar scheduled April 17th at 11:00am ET on Transmission Line Condition Assessment and Health Model at New Brunswick Power.Shortly after the Asset Management group was formed at NB Power, they were challenged in getting a high level of confidence that we were investing enough capital dollars into their transmission line network. Failures were becoming more frequent and reliability was starting to decrease. In 2013, they partnered with Kinectrics Inc to perform an asset condition assessment on their overhead transmission lines. The results confirmed they were not investing enough capital dollars to be sustainable long term and that a large amount of our infrastructure was nearing the end of its expected life. After realizing how important this level of information was in quantifying the current level of risk, it was decided to develop a model in-house as a way of having updated health and condition scores as the assets aged, when corrective maintenance issues were identified and as capital projects were completed.This presentation will describe how New Brunswick Power evolved its transmission line condition assessment from a one-time snapshot into a near real-time indicator of health and condition for all transmission line segments and individual structures including the methodology, data collection, the software used to build the model and display the results plus the benefits achieved. Presenter(s): Brad Pegg and Tom Keating, New Brunswick Power and Berend van Middendorp, Stantec

Utility Perspectives on Integrated Generation, Transmission & Distribution Asset Management

Apr 23, 2025 • Webex
Please mark your calendars for our upcoming thematic discussion between Asset Management in T&D and Asset Management in Generation on April 23rd at 1:00 pm ET. The topic of this discussion will be Utility Perspectives on Integrated Generation, Transmission & Distribution Asset Management.This session will focus on firsthand insights from utilities that have integrated the Asset Management organization and adopted integrated approaches to asset management across their Generation, Transmission, and Distribution (G, T&D) portfolios. Participants will gain insights into how utilities have carried out the organizational changes and are aligning asset management strategies across the entire power system, the challenges they face, and the opportunities they see for optimizing asset performance and reliability.Discussion Focus Areas:Opportunities for Optimization: Key gains achieved from integration of asset management in terms of asset performance, efficiency, reliability, and cost-effectiveness across the utility. I always to the positives first.Challenges in Cross-Sector Asset Management: Key barriers utilities face in integrating separate work groups and aligning strategies, processes, systems, data, and decision-making across different asset classes.Best Practices & Lessons Learned: Practical examples of what has worked (and what hasn’t) in developing an integrated asset management approach.Future of Integrated Asset Management: Emerging trends, technologies, and industry shifts that are shaping the way utilities approach asset management across G, T&D.